Honey Latte Recipe

Honey Latte Recipe

Yield: 1 LATTE
prep time: 5 MINUTES
cook time: 5 MINUTES
total time: 10 MINUTES


How to make a honey latte at home! An easy DIY coffee recipe that you are sure to love.


  • 1 cups of strong coffee or espresso
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • whipped cream, optional


  1. Make your coffee or 2 shots of espresso.
  2. Add the honey to the bottom of a coffee mug.
  3. Pour the coffee over the honey and stir to combine.
  4. Steam or warm up your milk.
  5. Pour the milk over the coffee/honey mixture. Stir.
  6. Top with whipped cream and additional honey drizzle. Enjoy!

Be sure to share your latte creation on social using #sunshineinacup.

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